Upcoming Events

Program Type

Primary tabs

This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Exhibit: Ridgefield Youth Arts Month Child-Centric Art

All Day 2/28 - 4/24
Tweens, Teens, Adults
Ridgefield Community Library
Library Branch: Ridgefield Community Library
Age Group: Tweens, Teens, Adults
Program Type: Exhibit
Event Details:

On view now is the Ridgefield Art Association's exhibition of art for or about children, focusing on the childlike qualities of simplicity and frankness.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Exhibit: Mosaics by Jim Pestillo

All Day 3/1 - 4/30
Tweens, Teens, Adults
Three Creeks Community Library
Library Branch: Three Creeks Community Library
Room: Lobby Display Case - Three Creeks
Age Group: Tweens, Teens, Adults
Program Type: Arts/Crafts/DIY, Exhibit
Event Details:

Learn how to make a stone mosaic at home, without tools - starting with a decorative mosaic from a 'home store' or tile shop. Several examples are available to view from artist Jim Pestillo. 


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Exhibit: Art by Andrea Lopez

All Day 3/3 - 4/24
Teens, Adults
Vancouver Community Library
Library Branch: Vancouver Community Library
Age Group: Teens, Adults
Program Type: Arts/Crafts/DIY, Exhibit
Event Details:

Andrea Lopez is a Colombian American artist currently living and working in Vancouver, WA. Originally from Colombia, Lopez discovered her passion for art later in life after initially pursuing a career in medicine.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Exhibit - The Earth Portrait Project: "All Hands on Earth"

All Day 3/7 - 4/30
Tweens, Teens, Adults
Vancouver Community Library
Library Branch: Vancouver Community Library
Age Group: Tweens, Teens, Adults
Program Type: Arts/Crafts/DIY, Exhibit
Event Details:

Cyndi Strid, Artist Statement:

60 Portraits of youth, adults and elders

60 Reasons for loving the Earth 

60+actions for caring for Mother Earth 


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Babies & Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschoolers" group.
This event is in the "Kids" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Bookmobile Stop at Mill A School

10:00am - 12:00pm
Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Room: Bookmobile Stop
Age Group: Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Program Type: Bookmobile Stop

FVRLibraries bookmobiles offer a diverse selection of library materials. Wi-Fi is available in the vicinity of the bookmobile where cell service is present.

Find printable bookmobile schedules, information, and a map on our Bookmobiles webpage.

Times are approximate, depending on traffic, weather, road conditions, and wildlife.

Las bibliotecas móviles de FVRLibraries ofrecen una selección diversa de materiales de biblioteca. Wi-Fi está disponible en las cercanías de la biblioteca móvil donde hay servicio celular. 

Encuentre horarios imprimibles de bibliotecas móviles, información y un mapa en nuestra página web de bibliotecas móviles.

Los plazos son aproximados, y dependen del tránsito, el clima, las condiciones de las carreteras y la vida silvestre.

This event is in the "Babies & Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschoolers" group.
This event is in the "Kids" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Bookmobile Stop at Underwood Community Center

12:30pm - 1:15pm
Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Room: Bookmobile Stop
Age Group: Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Program Type: Bookmobile Stop

FVRLibraries bookmobiles offer a diverse selection of library materials. Wi-Fi is available in the vicinity of the bookmobile where cell service is present.

Find printable bookmobile schedules, information, and a map on our Bookmobiles webpage.

Times are approximate, depending on traffic, weather, road conditions, and wildlife.

Las bibliotecas móviles de FVRLibraries ofrecen una selección diversa de materiales de biblioteca. Wi-Fi está disponible en las cercanías de la biblioteca móvil donde hay servicio celular. 

Encuentre horarios imprimibles de bibliotecas móviles, información y un mapa en nuestra página web de bibliotecas móviles.

Los plazos son aproximados, y dependen del tránsito, el clima, las condiciones de las carreteras y la vida silvestre.

This event is in the "Babies & Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschoolers" group.
This event is in the "Kids" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Bookmobile Stop at White Salmon Rhine Village Apartments

2:30pm - 4:00pm
Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Room: Bookmobile Stop
Age Group: Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Program Type: Bookmobile Stop

FVRLibraries bookmobiles offer a diverse selection of library materials. Wi-Fi is available in the vicinity of the bookmobile where cell service is present.

Find printable bookmobile schedules, information, and a map on our Bookmobiles webpage.

Times are approximate, depending on traffic, weather, road conditions, and wildlife.

Las bibliotecas móviles de FVRLibraries ofrecen una selección diversa de materiales de biblioteca. Wi-Fi está disponible en las cercanías de la biblioteca móvil donde hay servicio celular. 

Encuentre horarios imprimibles de bibliotecas móviles, información y un mapa en nuestra página web de bibliotecas móviles.

Los plazos son aproximados, y dependen del tránsito, el clima, las condiciones de las carreteras y la vida silvestre.

This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Tween & Teen Tabletop Role-Playing Game Adventure

4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tweens, Teens
Ridgefield Community Library
Library Branch: Ridgefield Community Library
Room: Allene Wodaege Community Room
Age Group: Tweens, Teens
Program Type: Games or Fun, Hybrid (in-person and online)
Registration Required
Seats Remaining: 7
Event Details:

Immerse yourself in a world of excitement! Whether you are wanting to learn or an experienced player, come play Pathfinder.

For ages 9–19.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Tween & Teen Tabletop Role-Playing Game Adventure: Online

4:30pm - 6:00pm
Tweens, Teens
Virtual Event
Library Branch: Online
Age Group: Tweens, Teens
Program Type: Games or Fun
Registration Required
Seats Remaining: 0
Event Details:

Immerse yourself in a world of excitement! Create a character and take on challenges with a team of other players in this interactive story. 

For ages 9–19.

Whether you are wanting to learn or an experienced player, come play Dungeons & Dragons. This group is intended for Tweens and Teens ages 9–19.

This 12 week-long season will play through the Dragons of Stormwreck Isle.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teen Council

5:00pm - 7:00pm
Goldendale Community Library
Library Branch: Goldendale Community Library
Room: Camplan Community Room
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Games or Fun, Meeting

Are you a teen? Do you have ideas for the library? Then come boss us around! We need your help to make sure the stuff we're doing at the library is stuff you actually want. Earn volunteer hours, eat snacks and meet other teens.

For ages 13–19.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Friends of Washougal Community Library Fundraiser: Soul Line Dancing

6:30pm - 7:30pm
Teens, Adults
Washougal Community Library
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Washougal Community Library
Room: Off-site - Washougal
Age Group: Teens, Adults
Program Type: Book Sale/Fundraiser, Friends or Foundation
Event Details:

Put on your dancing shoes and join us in the Hathaway Elementary Cafeteria for some fun exercise while supporting the Washougal Community Library Building Fund!


This is a fundraiser presented by the Friends of the Library in which all money raised will go toward the building of a new community library. The Friends group is an independent fund-raising organization under the umbrella of the Fort Vancouver Regional Library Foundation, which is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, working to support Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries through funding, advocacy and volunteer support.

Este es un recaudador de fondos presentado por Friends of the Library, donde el dinero recaudado se destinará a la construcción de una nueva biblioteca comunitaria. El grupo Friends es una organización benéfica independiente en el marco de Fort Vancouver Regional Library Foundation (Fundación de Bibliotecas Regionales de Fort Vancouver) , registrada como organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3), que opera en respaldo de las Bibliotecas Regionales de Fort Vancouver mediante la recaudación de fondos, servicios de defensoría y apoyo voluntario.

This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Conscious Consumption Series: Clothing Swap

2:00pm - 4:00pm
Teens, Adults
Cascade Park Community Library
Library Branch: Cascade Park Community Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Teens, Adults
Program Type: Community/Civic Engagement
Event Details:

Looking for inspiration for the Trashion Show? Join us at the library for an all-ages swap meet! All styles, sizes, and genders are welcome.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teen Hangout

3:00pm - 5:00pm
Vancouver Community Library
Library Branch: Vancouver Community Library
Room: Teen Central
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Arts/Crafts/DIY, Games or Fun
Event Details:

Come hang out with friends, play games, craft, and chat about your favorite things!

For ages 13–19.

Join us every every Saturday from 3–5 pm, and every Thursday from 4:30–6:30 pm.

Snacks are provided by Friends of Vancouver Community Library.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Kids" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Kids Board Game Social Club

2:30pm - 5:00pm
Kids, Tweens, Teens
Vancouver Community Library
Library Branch: Vancouver Community Library
Room: Columbia Room
Age Group: Kids, Tweens, Teens
Program Type: Games or Fun, Health/Wellness
Event Details:

Drop in to enjoy a variety of board games. Play an old favorite, or learn something new! 

For ages 5-9. 


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Teen/Adult Creative Crafts: Crocheted Purse Workshops

4:00pm - 5:30pm
Teens, Adults
La Center Community Library
Library Branch: La Center Community Library
Age Group: Teens, Adults
Program Type: Arts/Crafts/DIY, Class or Workshop
Event Details:

Learn basic crochet skills, the granny square, and joining pieces to create a crochet purse in this three-part series.

In this workshop, join us in learning how to crochet! All materials supplied. For ages 13+

Additional workshops:


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teens Snacking Around the World

5:00pm - 6:00pm
Cascade Park Community Library
Library Branch: Cascade Park Community Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Games or Fun
Event Details:

Come hangout and try new snacks from around the world! Meet new friends and share your favorites. 

Snacks provided by the Friends of Cascade Park Community Library.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Babies & Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschoolers" group.
This event is in the "Kids" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Bookmobile Stop at Bickleton Market Street Cafe

10:30am - 12:30pm
Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Goldendale/Klickitat Bookmobile
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Goldendale/Klickitat Bookmobile
Room: Bookmobile Stop
Age Group: Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Program Type: Bookmobile Stop
Event Details:

FVRLibraries bookmobiles offer a diverse selection of library materials. Wi-Fi is available in the vicinity of the bookmobile where cell service is present.

Find printable bookmobile schedules, information, and a map on our Bookmobiles webpage.

Times are approximate, depending on traffic, weather, road conditions, and wildlife.

Las bibliotecas móviles de FVRLibraries ofrecen una selección diversa de materiales de biblioteca. Wi-Fi está disponible en las cercanías de la biblioteca móvil donde hay servicio celular. 

Encuentre horarios imprimibles de bibliotecas móviles, información y un mapa en nuestra página web de bibliotecas móviles.

Los plazos son aproximados, y dependen del tránsito, el clima, las condiciones de las carreteras y la vida silvestre.


Book return available near this location.

Devolución de libros disponible cerca de esta ubicación.

This event is in the "Babies & Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschoolers" group.
This event is in the "Kids" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Bookmobile Stop at Carson Mobile Home Park @ Shipherd Falls

2:30pm - 3:00pm
Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Room: Bookmobile Stop
Age Group: Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Program Type: Bookmobile Stop

FVRLibraries bookmobiles offer a diverse selection of library materials. Wi-Fi is available in the vicinity of the bookmobile where cell service is present.

Find printable bookmobile schedules, information, and a map on our Bookmobiles webpage.

Times are approximate, depending on traffic, weather, road conditions, and wildlife.

Las bibliotecas móviles de FVRLibraries ofrecen una selección diversa de materiales de biblioteca. Wi-Fi está disponible en las cercanías de la biblioteca móvil donde hay servicio celular. 

Encuentre horarios imprimibles de bibliotecas móviles, información y un mapa en nuestra página web de bibliotecas móviles.

Los plazos son aproximados, y dependen del tránsito, el clima, las condiciones de las carreteras y la vida silvestre.

This event is in the "Kids" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Board Game Social Club

3:00pm - 4:00pm
Kids, Tweens, Teens
Vancouver Mall Library
Library Branch: Vancouver Mall Library
Age Group: Kids, Tweens, Teens
Program Type: Games or Fun
Event Details:

Drop in to enjoy a variety of board games. Play an old favorite, or learn something new! 

For ages 5+


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Babies & Toddlers" group.
This event is in the "Preschoolers" group.
This event is in the "Kids" group.
This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Bookmobile Stop at Carson Teeter Toddlers Daycare

3:30pm - 4:15pm
Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Offsite Event
Library Branch: Skamania/Klickitat Bookmobile
Room: Bookmobile Stop
Age Group: Babies & Toddlers, Preschoolers, Kids, Tweens, Teens, Adults
Program Type: Bookmobile Stop

FVRLibraries bookmobiles offer a diverse selection of library materials. Wi-Fi is available in the vicinity of the bookmobile where cell service is present.

Find printable bookmobile schedules, information, and a map on our Bookmobiles webpage.

Times are approximate, depending on traffic, weather, road conditions, and wildlife.

Las bibliotecas móviles de FVRLibraries ofrecen una selección diversa de materiales de biblioteca. Wi-Fi está disponible en las cercanías de la biblioteca móvil donde hay servicio celular. 

Encuentre horarios imprimibles de bibliotecas móviles, información y un mapa en nuestra página web de bibliotecas móviles.

Los plazos son aproximados, y dependen del tránsito, el clima, las condiciones de las carreteras y la vida silvestre.

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Teen Council

3:30pm - 5:30pm
Vancouver Community Library
Library Branch: Vancouver Community Library
Room: Teen Central
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Games or Fun, Meeting

Are you a teen? Do you have ideas for the library? Then come boss us around! We need your help to make sure the stuff we're doing at the library is stuff you actually want. Earn volunteer hours, eat snacks and meet other teens.

For ages 13–19.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Teen/Adult Creative Crafts: Art Journal

4:00pm - 5:30pm
Teens, Adults
Stevenson Community Library
Library Branch: Stevenson Community Library
Room: Gallery - Stevenson
Age Group: Teens, Adults
Program Type: Arts/Crafts/DIY
Registration Required
Seats Remaining: 17
Event Details:

Join us for a new art tutorial each month, bound into an oversized art journal during the year.

For ages 13+


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Teens" group.
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Adult Drop-In Tech Help

4:30pm - 6:00pm
Teens, Adults
Vancouver Community Library
Library Branch: Vancouver Community Library
Room: Creative Classroom
Age Group: Teens, Adults
Program Type: STEM/Technology
Event Details:

Bring your device and your questions to meet with a staff member to get basic tech help and find answers to your questions about your mobile device, e-reader, websites, and more. 

For Adults 18+

For a 15 minute appointment, a registration sheet will be placed on the Creative Classroom door 30 minutes before start time. 


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.

This event is in the "Tweens" group.
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Tween & Teen Tabletop Role-Playing Game Adventure

4:30pm - 6:30pm
Tweens, Teens
Ridgefield Community Library
Library Branch: Ridgefield Community Library
Room: Allene Wodaege Community Room
Age Group: Tweens, Teens
Program Type: Games or Fun, Health/Wellness
Event Details:

Immerse yourself in a world of excitement! Create a character and take on challenges with a team of other players in this interactive story. 

For ages 9–19.

Whether you want to learn or are an experienced player, come play Dungeons & Dragons.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.