Friends of Washougal Community Library Fundraiser at Danglicious Vietnamese Kitchen

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Program Description

Event Details

Join us for a Danglicious Library Fundraiser

Present the flyer to Danglicious Vietnamese Kitchen on Tuesday April 8, May 13, or June 10 between 1 pm–8 pm, enjoy some delicious Vietnamese food, and support Washougal Community Library.

A portion of the proceeds from the fundraiser will be donated to Washougal Community Library Building Fund.

Flyers are also available for pick up at Washougal Community Library.




This is a fundraiser presented by the Friends of the Library in which all money raised will go toward the building of a new community library. The Friends group is an independent fund-raising organization under the umbrella of the Fort Vancouver Regional Library Foundation, which is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, working to support Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries through funding, advocacy and volunteer support.

Este es un recaudador de fondos presentado por Friends of the Library, donde el dinero recaudado se destinará a la construcción de una nueva biblioteca comunitaria. El grupo Friends es una organización benéfica independiente en el marco de Fort Vancouver Regional Library Foundation (Fundación de Bibliotecas Regionales de Fort Vancouver) , registrada como organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3), que opera en respaldo de las Bibliotecas Regionales de Fort Vancouver mediante la recaudación de fondos, servicios de defensoría y apoyo voluntario.