Community Room (YV)

Maximum Capacity


Library Branch

Yale Valley Community Library

Approximately 340 square foot room at the East end of the building, featuring an external exit as well as double doors into the library, and sink. The space doubles as a public art gallery. Because the building is not always staffed, a library card in good standing is required to gain access and there is video surveillance.

Reservations may be requested up to eight weeks prior to the event and no less than 48 hours in advance. Multiple day (consecutive) requests are allowed; repeating (weekly, monthly, etc.) are not.

For same-day use, please schedule in person at the library. Same-day use is first come, first served and limited to 2 hours.


  • 4 rectangular tables
  • 28 chairs
  • sink
On narrow displays, the weekly room calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view room availability for the whole week.

Sun - 4/20

Mon - 4/21

Tue - 4/22

Wed - 4/23

Thu - 4/24

Fri - 4/25

Sat - 4/26