Adult Manga & Graphic Novel Group

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Program Description

Event Details

Are you an adult (18+) who enjoys manga and graphic novels? Join us on the first Saturday of the month for a discussion on a variety of manga and graphic novels from all over the world.

The January pick is Cassandra Calin's graphic novel I Left the House Today!

A limited number of copies of the first volume are available for participants to pick up and keep. If you are interested in claiming a copy, stop by the Battle Ground Community Library and ask staff if one is available. Planning to attend virtually? Call 360-906-4741, and ask staff if there's a copy available to be delivered to your local FVRL branch or check the Libby or Hoopla apps for the eBook.

This in-person program series includes a hybrid option. Participants may attend the meetings from an alternate location online.

Join us online by clicking here: 
Video call link:
Or dial: ‪(US) +1 361-589-5296‬ PIN: ‪576 569 156‬#

To join virtually, you will need a computer, tablet, or phone with a speaker.

Need a reminder? Click on the "Remind Me" clock button above and enter your email or select the "Add to My Calendar" feature.


Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.

Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.