Program Description
Event Details
Jon Nakae spent his adult life working in, and enjoying, the forests of the Pacific Northwest. During his long and varied career with the US Forest Service, Jon was able to work in the Mount Adams area, where he witnessed, firsthand, the effects of time on the forest. Often, Jon works to strike a balance between an unrelenting demand for wood products and the rising demand for outdoor recreation — and still meet the needs of wildlife and remaining stands of old-growth forest. Jon maintains that forestry on public lands is all about people. Retired recently, Jon is active with fire management and helps his community with their trees.
If you would like to attend virtually on your computer or mobile device, click on the following Zoom link at 6:30 pm:
Meeting ID: 871 4242 2823
Passcode: 114875
One tap mobile
+12532158782,,87142422823#,,,,*114875# US (Tacoma)
Library events and programs are open to the public and provided at no cost. Special accommodations may be requested using our Disability Accommodation Request Form no later than 15 days prior to the event.
Los eventos y programas de la biblioteca están abiertos al público y se brindan sin costo. Se pueden solicitar adaptaciones especiales utilizando nuestro formulario de solicitud de adaptaciones para personas con discapacidades (en inglés) hasta 15 días antes del evento.
This is a Friends of the Library event. The Friends group is an independent fund-raising organization under the umbrella of the Fort Vancouver Regional Library Foundation, which is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, working to support Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries through funding, advocacy and volunteer support.
Este es un evento Friends of the Library (Amigos de la biblioteca). El grupo Friends es una organización benéfica independiente en el marco de Fort Vancouver Regional Library Foundation (Fundación de Bibliotecas Regionales de Fort Vancouver) , registrada como organización sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3), que opera en respaldo de las Bibliotecas Regionales de Fort Vancouver mediante la recaudación de fondos, servicios de defensoría y apoyo voluntario.